Winstrol (active ingredient — stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid available in tablets and solution for injection (winstrol depot). Winstrol was developed in 1962 at Winthrop Laboratories. It is a synthetic 17α-methylated steroid, a dihydrotestosterone derivative, which differs greatly from natural steroids by the attached +3,2-pyrazole. Approved by the FDA for human use (stanozolol was originally developed for use in animals (horses)). Stanozolol shows some antagonism to progesterone (there are opinions that the drug protects against the progestogenic effect of nandrolone). Unlike most injectable forms, stanozolol is an aqueous suspension of a free substance.

Synonyms: Stanoger, Strombafort, Stover, Nabolic, Stanazolic, Strombaject, Stromba, Menabol, Stanol, Terabone, Cetabone, etc.

Winstrol in tablets has high bioavailability and stability (it is not destroyed in the liver during passage) due to the alkyl group in the alpha-17 position, however, this makes stanozolol in tablets toxic to the liver. However, the injectable form is also not without this drawback, the difference in toxicity and bioavailability of both forms of the steroid is minimal.
Legal status
Stanozolol, its salts, isomers, esters, all dosage forms and trade names are included in the list of potent substances on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007 No. 964. Criminal liability entails: illegal manufacture, processing, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment for marketing purposes, as well as illegal sale, or equipment for its manufacture or processing.
Large size Stanozolol is 2.5 g or more
Steroid Profile
  • Anabolic activity - 320% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 30% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion to estrogens) - no
  • The method of administration is injections and tablets
  • Liver toxicity is moderate, equally for injectable and tablet forms
  • The half-life is 9-24 hours (duration of action is up to 2 days). For the injection form 4-5 hours, for the oral form - 18-24 hours
  • The detection time is from 200 to 240 days.
Historical background
Stanozolol was developed by Winthrop Laboratories in 1962 under the brand name Winstrol. Initially, the drug was created to treat anemia, hereditary angioedema, accelerate recovery after surgery, as well as for use in veterinary medicine to increase muscle mass, stimulate hematopoiesis, strengthen bones and stimulate the appetite of weakened or sick animals.

A little later, the drug began to be actively used on cross-country horses to increase speed indicators. Athletes of bodybuilding and other strength sports quickly drew attention to him, starting to use winstrol for an ergogenic purpose.

The effects of winstrol
Winstrol is very popular in bodybuilding because its action differs from most steroids. The drug has a slight effect on body weight, however, it gives relief to the muscles, enhances venous traceability and burns fat, so it is used mainly during "drying" courses.

  • Musculature relief is one of the main effects of stanozolol.
  • A significant increase in strength and endurance is a valuable effect in powerlifting and athletics.
  • Fat burning.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Elimination of excess fluid from the body
  • According to scientific tests, oral stanozolol in the amount of 0.2 mg per kilo of athlete's weight lowers the level of globulin binding anabolic hormones by 50%. This means that the effectiveness of taking other steroids in combination with stanozolol will significantly increase.
  • It is assumed that there is an antiestrogenic and antiprogestogenic effect (competitive inhibition of progesterone receptors)
Side effects of winstrol
The drug does not convert to estrogens, therefore it does not cause side effects such as gynecomastia and edema.

Side effects by frequency of occurrence:
  • Pain in large joints and ligament damage are the most common complications. To minimize the risk, stanozolol should be combined with testosterone and deca. Read more here. Special additives for ligaments and joints are also used.
  • The rise in blood pressure is eliminated by taking antihypertensive drugs (enalapril).
  • An increase in cholesterol levels is eliminated by taking omega-3 or other hypolipodemic agents (lovastatin, atorvastatin, etc.) during the course.
  • Painful injections - this side effect of winstrol is peculiar only to the injectable form (winstrol depot).
  • Since winstrol is a derivative of DHT, androgenic side effects are possible: hair loss on the head, acne, suppression of own testosterone production, etc.
  • Liver toxicity - manifested by alpha-17-alkylation. In a study on dogs, milk thistle extract (hepatoprotector) demonstrated a pronounced protective effect.
  • Myocardial hypertrophy - especially at high doses.
The course of winstrol (stanozolol)
The solo course of Winstrol is conducted by athletes to obtain relief and venosity, as well as increase strength indicators. In other words, this course is suitable for people who have sufficient body weight with a moderate fat content.

  • The optimal dosage of winstrol is 30-50 mg in tablets or injections every day. Athletes and boxers use, as a rule, lower doses - about 10 mg / day.
  • The duration of the course is approximately 4-6 weeks. With an increase in the duration of the cycle, the risk of side effects increases, primarily concerning the joints.
  • After the end of the course, a PCT is required in 2-3 days.
  • For maximum effect, take sports nutrition for relief.
It should be noted that many experienced athletes recommend using stanozolol only in combination with testosterone. This approach reduces the risk of side effects, in particular, significantly reduces the likelihood of harmful effects on joints: testosterone retains fluid in the body, preventing the joint bag from dehydrating. In addition, testosterone can significantly increase the effectiveness of the winstrol course.
Combined courses of Winstrol
Depending on the desired result, a combined course of stanozolol is built. To gain muscle mass, stronger androgens are included in the course, for example, testosterone, methandrostenolone or anapolone. In this case, winstrol will balance the course, creating a good anabolic effect and reducing the estrogenic effect of other drugs. In this case, aromatase inhibitors should be included in the course, and Nolvadex or Clomid are used for post-course therapy. As a result of proper combination, a significant increase in muscle mass can be achieved with much less fluid and fat retention.

Before competitions or during a weight loss diet, Winstrol can be combined with a non-aromatizing androgen such as trenbolone. This combination, as practice shows, gives relief and firmness to the muscles, which is what many athletes strive for.
Anabolic drugs may only be used by a doctor's prescription and are contraindicated in children. The information provided does not call for the use or distribution of potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects.