The solo course of Winstrol is conducted by athletes to obtain relief and venosity, as well as increase strength indicators. In other words, this course is suitable for people who have sufficient body weight with a moderate fat content.
- The optimal dosage of winstrol is 30-50 mg in tablets or injections every day. Athletes and boxers use, as a rule, lower doses - about 10 mg / day.
- The duration of the course is approximately 4-6 weeks. With an increase in the duration of the cycle, the risk of side effects increases, primarily concerning the joints.
- After the end of the course, a PCT is required in 2-3 days.
- For maximum effect, take sports nutrition for relief.
It should be noted that many experienced athletes recommend using stanozolol only in combination with testosterone. This approach reduces the risk of side effects, in particular, significantly reduces the likelihood of harmful effects on joints: testosterone retains fluid in the body, preventing the joint bag from dehydrating. In addition, testosterone can significantly increase the effectiveness of the winstrol course.