Weight loss rules
Weight loss rules
Weight loss is a set of measures aimed at reducing excess body weight and keeping the achieved results within the right framework.
This is a wellness measure aimed at improving the level of physical and mental health of a person.
Each person is individual and has his own type of figure and his own body weight (body features).
In particular, fat cells are genetically programmed to create fat reserves (deposits) for various needs of the body.

Reasons to eat:
  • fatigue
  • anger
  • stress
  • boredom
  • bad mood
  • disappointments
  • holidays
  • eating for company
  • watching TV (movies), etc.

The more you eat, the more you want to eat.
Restrictions on food are necessary in order not to become a "slave to your own stomach."
With obesity, there is resistance (decreased sensitivity) of the hunger center to the influence of appetite regulators (leptin) on it.

Mistakes of most people losing weight:
  • strict diet bans provoke breakdowns and condemn us to a constant struggle with ourselves, to live in a series of hunger strikes and overeating.
  • exhausting physical activity - intense exercise, as a rule, increases appetite.
Avoid painful diets and excessive exercise!

There is every reason to consider food a household antidepressant.

In addition to food, household, but more harmful antidepressants include nicotine and alcohol. The most preferred ways to achieve mental balance are communication, walking in the fresh air, listening to pleasant music, reading, watching interesting films, an exciting hobby, a warm bath.

A positive result is possible only with a comprehensive effect on the problem!

The main rules of weight loss:
1. Positive attitude, motivation and commitment.

2. Rational nutrition:
  • restriction of the volume and caloric content of food
  • consumed replacement of fatty, fried, smoked food with low-fat, boiled and stewed
  • predominance of proteins and carbohydrates in the diet
  • restriction of salt and seasonings
  • unhurried eating with careful chewing
  • fractional meals 5-6 times a day
  • main meal in the morning
  • inclusion of fasting days (vegetable, fruit, fermented milk and etc.)
  • the last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

3. Proper level of physical activity:

- gymnastics, walking, running, swimming, cycling and skiing, fitness (the load should be invigorating, not tiring!).

4. Proper work and rest regime.

5. Full sleep.

"The sun, air and water are our best friends"

The main motives for weight loss:
  • Improving health
  • Improved appearance
  • Improving self-esteem
  • Expanding everyday physical capabilities
  • Improving professional opportunities
  • There is no universal diet for weight loss!

Types of basic diets:
  • A diet with a moderate decrease in energy value relative to energy consumption
  • A diet with a restriction of "animal" fats
  • A carbohydrate-restricted diet with a high glycemic index
  • A diet with an increase in the proportion of proteins in the diet
  • A balanced diet in terms of ingredients (B - 30%, F - 20%, Y - 50%).

Rules to help:
  • Try to eat as little fats and sugars as possible
  • Try to eat as little as your sense of comfort allows (use small dishes)
  • Try to eat often, but in small portions
  • Avoid long breaks between meals
  • Use the rule of pre-meal (a glass of water / kefir, salad, etc. for 30 minutes. before the main meal)
  • Use a tasting approach to nutrition (savor)
  • Enrich your diet with dietary fiber (cereals, vegetables, fruits)
  • For a good appetite in the morning, do not overeat in the evening
  • Use visualization techniques ("image/photo of the goal")
  • Try to be more active
  • Try to get more positive emotions
  • Try to maintain the stereotype of a healthy lifestyle.

Motives for weight loss
The main food groups:

  • Milk, dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Meat, fish, poultry, eggs.
  • Cereals, bread, pasta, potatoes.
  • Fats (vegetable and animal).
  • Vegetables and greens.
  • Fruits and berries.
  • Sugar and confectionery products.

The main sources of proteins:
  • Vegetable protein – legumes (soybeans, beans, peas), cereals, seeds, nuts.
  • Animal protein – meat and meat products, poultry, eggs, fish and seafood, dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese).

The main sources of carbohydrates:
  • Simple carbohydrates – sugar, confectionery, honey, berries, fruits, milk.
  • Complex carbohydrates – bread, cereals, cereals, pasta, potatoes, legumes.
  • Dietary fiber (fiber) – cereals, greens, vegetables, fruits.

The main sources of fats:
  • Vegetable fats – vegetable oils, seeds, nuts.
  • Animal fats – lard, butter, cream, sour cream, egg yolks.
  • Combined fats – margarine, mayonnaise, creams.

The optimal ratio of individual food groups in the daily diet

What contributes to and what prevents comfortable weight loss
The psycho-emotional sphere
  • Promotes

    • Good mood, positive attitude
    • Motivation, determination
    • Adequate stable self-esteem, high level of personal maturity
    • The absence of unsolvable stressful situations at work and at home
    • Full sleep
  • Prevents

    • Bad mood, depressive mood
    • Lack of a clear motive
    • Unstable self-esteem
    • The struggle with oneself, the desire to punish oneself for completeness
    • Sluggish long-term conflicts with others
    • Chronic sleep deprivation
Nutrition, eating behavior
  • Promotes

    • Low-fat diet with feasible restriction of sugars
    • The food is varied, including the whole range of products known to you
    • The absence of prohibitions, including on late meals
    • Frequent fractional meals (grazing) - small portions of food, every 2-3 hours
    • Slow, unhurried, enjoyable food
  • Prevents

    • Too fatty a diet with a high proportion of sugars
    • The presence of a large number of prohibitions and regulations
    • Rare fast food, food on the go
Physical activity
  • Promotes

    • Toning exercises
    • Moderate intensity workouts (walking, running, swimming, etc.) for 30-60 minutes a day
  • Prevents

    • Lack of mobility
    • Too exhausting high-intensity workouts
Tips for those who want to lose weight
It is recommended to consume less fat. The fat content of the diet will be significantly lower if you eat more complex carbohydrates (cereals, porridges, pasta). These foods, due to their high satiety, cause satiety very quickly, and we reflexively reduce the consumption of other foods, including fatty ones. There are direct studies showing that complex carbohydrates protect us from weight gain and promote weight loss. Vegetables have the same effect. The more vegetables in the diet, the lower the fat content of the diet.

Try to eat more fish and dairy products. With an increase in their share in the diet, a person naturally reduces the consumption of meat, and therefore fat. After all, meat on average contains more fat than fish and milk.

Dumplings with the addition of lard have a fat content of ~ 40 g per serving. Poultry meat dumplings have a fat content of about 10 g.

A gain in the form of fat reduction can be obtained if soups are used more often without the so-called toasts - onions and other vegetables overcooked in vegetable oil, as well as if there are vegetable and dairy soups more often than meat ones.

With an increase in boiled and stewed dishes in food, we will observe a decrease in the proportion of fried food, and accordingly the oils that we use when frying.

The statistical method is well perceived by those who lose weight, because instead of the usual "you can't do this!" or "you should eat as little as possible!", on the contrary, it is recommended to eat more of this or that food.

The use of less fatty foods in a number of similar ones (for example, dairy products)
  • Milk (low–fat 0.5 – 1.5%, classic 2-3%, fatty 3.6%)
Fermented milk products:
  • cottage cheese (low–fat 1 – 3%, classic 4 – 18%, fatty 19 – 23%)
  • sour cream (low–fat 10 - 15%, classic 20 - 30%, fatty 30 – 50%)
  • kefir (low–fat 0.5 - 1.5%, classic 2 – 3%, fatty 3 – 9%)
  • yogurt (low–fat 0.5 – 1.5%, classic 2-3%, fatty 3.9%)
  • fermented baked milk (low–fat 0.5 – 1.5%, classic 2-3%, fatty 3.6%)
  • yoghurts and so on.
Mayonnaise. The fat content of mayonnaise is about 70%, but there is an alternative. The use of low-fat sour cream or classic yogurt instead of mayonnaise allows you to reduce the fat content of each serving of salad.

Cheeses. The mass fraction of fat of various cheeses varies on average from 50% to 30%. Hard cheeses contain about 50%, soft cheeses - about 40%, and the so-called brine cheeses – suluguni, adygeisky, cheese, feta - about 30% fat.

By using low-fat dairy products instead of fatty ones, we avoid an extra load of fat per serving.

Do not forget about specially developed low-fat products for losing weight ("food substitutes"), which, with low calorie content, have a high saturating ability. To date, these are cocktails, porridges and soups.

Reducing the fat content of food during cooking

For example, when cutting meat, visible fat can be partially removed, the fat content of poultry meat is reduced by 3 times if you simply remove the skin.

A very well-known technique is to place the meat broth in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning remove the film of fat formed on top. This operation allows you to reduce the fat content of a standard portion of soup by 10 grams.

We get quite a lot of fat together with fried food. Hence the common idea that in order to successfully lose weight, you should never eat fried food. Indeed, when frying in oil, foods absorb a lot of fat. For example, home-fried potatoes contain about 15% fat, but there is practically no fat in the potatoes themselves. All the fat gets there from the pan. But everything miraculously changes if you cook with a minimum of oil on non-burning dishes. Then it will take literally 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to cook 3 servings of fried potatoes, and you will get a product with a fat content of no more than 3%.

A lot of fat is absorbed when frying slices of zucchini and eggplant. Their fat content can be reduced by drying the pieces with napkins. The "gain" from one serving can reach 15 grams of fat.

There are frying methods that not only do not increase the fat content of the product, but, on the contrary, reduce it. First of all, this is grilling, grilling and other forms of so-called infrared cuisine. A similar result can be achieved by baking in foil.

Reduce the fat content of food directly in the plate, during meals

Everything is simple here - we cut off pieces of fat and put them aside, remove pieces of skin from the bird, put aside and leave the greasier pieces of cake, and so on. The use of smaller dishes and portions leads to a decrease in the number of calories consumed[1][2]. This simple recommendation is supported by real research data.
Dessert as a separate meal
Start dessert after the main meal (after 1 – 1.5 hours, when you are already full) or use it as a separate meal, for example, at high tea. It is better to give preference to fruits, honey, bitter chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows. An alternative to sugar is fructose, or sweeteners.
Maintaining the elasticity and elasticity of the skin during weight loss
  • Lose weight slowly!
Of course, everyone who has firmly decided to lose weight wants to become slim as soon as possible. But don't rush it!

Nutritionists are of the opinion that slow weight loss is preferable to fast, and recommend dropping no more than 2 kg per week. Faster weight loss is less beneficial for health. In addition, most people are simply unable to maintain the weight achieved after rapid weight loss for a long time and regain the pounds they lost so hard, and often more than enough.

  • Do not use strict diets. The condition of the skin and muscles is especially severe for those who lose weight mainly due to dietary restrictions.
  • Try to eat protein foods with every main meal (non-fatty meat, chicken, turkey, fish, cottage cheese).
  • Forget about fat-free diets. The lack of fats in the diet leads to the fact that the skin becomes excessively dry and inelastic. But try to eat healthy unsaturated fats (PUFA), which are found in vegetable oils, fatty fish species, and nuts.
  • Exercise regularly to keep the muscles and skin of problem areas in good shape.
  • 2-3 times a week, be sure to do strength exercises (using simulators or dumbbells) in order to build muscles in place of former fat.
  • Drink plenty of water to maintain the normal water balance of the skin, which means its elasticity.
  • Take a contrast shower 1-2 times a day to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Take a hot bath with sea salt 2 times a week. This procedure cleanses the skin and increases its tone.
  • Periodically do peeling with scrubs or brushes. Peeling will exfoliate old dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of a new epidermis, younger and more elastic.
  • Daily, especially after peeling, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream or lotion or a special tightening cream to the whole body.
  • Some cosmetic procedures will help prevent sagging of the skin: massage, wraps and others.
  • Additionally, Hyaluronic acid is needed for the skin. It helps self-regeneration of the skin and increases its elasticity, and also has the ability to retain and retain moisture in skin cells for a long time and restore its water-fat balance. Over time, its amount in tissues decreases, especially rapidly in smokers, so it makes sense to take it additionally in the form of dietary supplements.
  • Various vitamins and minerals (for example, vitamins C, A, E, selenium, zinc) favor a good skin condition. Therefore, it is important to take various vitamin and mineral complexes.

The optimal ratio of individual food groups in the daily diet

Anabolic drugs may only be used by a doctor's prescription and are contraindicated in children. The information provided does not call for the use or distribution of potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects.