Viagra (active ingredient - sildenafil citrate) is a popular remedy for improving erectile function in men, but recently this drug has found wider use both in medicine and bodybuilding.
Many people believe that Viagra is another nitrogen donor, but this is not the case. It does not affect the level of NO (nitric oxide), but the vessels in the muscles do expand. If true nitric oxide donors increase the level of NO, which increases the concentration of cellular cGMP, as a result of which a cascade of reactions is triggered, which ultimately leads to relaxation of the vascular wall. Viagra blocks the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE - 5), which destroys cGMP, so its concentration also begins to increase, and the same end result is obtained.
There are a number of advantages that make the use of Viagra in bodybuilding the most promising. The drug slightly reduces blood pressure, has a positive effect on the heart, effectively improves blood flow in the muscles and causes a minimum of side effects. At the same time, the very high cost is repulsive, but there are cheaper generics (dynamico, tornetis, sindelafil itself, and others).
Some people mistakenly believe that taking Viagra causes a permanent erection, but this is not the case. In the absence of sexual arousal (stimulation), an erection usually never occurs.
Reception mode- It is necessary to carefully study the instructions in order to exclude all contraindications
- In bodybuilding, a sufficient dosage is considered to be 25 mg at a time
- The best time to take it is before and after training. On rest days, the drug can not be taken, firstly, for economic reasons (on rest days the benefit is significantly lower), secondly, so that tolerance does not develop to the drug.
- The duration of the course is 3-4 weeks with daily intake, or 4-6 weeks with use only on training days.
"Attention" There are also a number of much cheaper generic Viagra made in Russia, which contain exactly the same active ingredient - sildenafil, but are much cheaper. For example, Sildenfil SZ, Sildenafil-NPO, Effex Sildenafil, Sildenafil Vertex, Sildenafil Express Canon and others.CialisThe international name of the drug is tadalafil, which is a more modern analogue of sildenafil. The regimen is actually the same, with the only difference that a single dose is 5-10 mg, and it is taken once a day, that is, it has a much longer period of action - up to 36 hours, whereas Viagra acts 4-5 hours.
Now generic tadalafil has appeared in pharmacies for daily use in a dosage of 5 mg. The following generics of domestic production are available in pharmacies: "Tadalafil-SZ", "Tadalafil-Alium", "Tadalafil Vertex" and others.
Recall that by itself, the presence of the drug in the body does not lead to a stable long-term erection - an erection appears in response to sexual stimulation and passes after ejaculation (restoration of natural erectile function).
LevitraThis is another high-quality "long" analogue of Viagra from the German company Bayer Sharing Pharma, the international name of this prolonged analogue is vardanafil.The effect of the drug resembles Cialis, but it is shorter in duration of action - up to 12 hours. Dosages are identical to those of Cialis - from 5 to 20 mg, for systemic use in bodybuilding - up to 10 mg. It is believed that Levitra is in many cases more effective in terms of erectile dysfunction than cialis or sildnenafil, due to the higher selectivity of action on the vessels of the penis. It also works in response to a sexual stimulus, suitable for daily use. It has fewer side "nitrate-like" complications: redness of the face, palpitations, a critical decrease in blood pressure.