HOW TO TRAIN on the course
During the course, you need to train in a LARGER AMOUNT of load. That is, you need to increase the number of approaches in each exercise, and maybe the number of exercises themselves. Your task: A GRADUAL INCREASE IN KPSH PER WORKOUT!
Who are these growth hormone courses suitable for?
KPSH (the number of lifts of the barbell) is a term from weightlifting. It shows the total tonnage of weight lifted per workout.

Let's say you did THREE EXERCISES before the back course (pull-ups, barbell pull, dumbbell pull). In each exercise, you had 4 working sets of 8 repetitions. Multiply the number of exercises (3) by the number of sets (4) and by the number of repetitions (8) in order to find out the KPSH (volume) of the workout. 3X4X8=96.

When you take a course of steroids, your recovery capabilities are seriously increased and you can and therefore should train more in order to get more results from the course. The first thing you should do is to gradually increase the KPSH.

I usually add one approach to each exercise in the first two weeks of the course, i.e. I did 4 sets before the course, and after the start of the course I do 5 sets. In our example, this would turn into 120 KPSh (3X5X8). Ie, it was 96, but already 120 on the course!!! The volume of the load, as you can see, has increased significantly.

In the middle of the course, depending on how I feel, I can add one additional exercise for each group. In our example, I do 3 back exercises before the course. And a month after it started, I would add the 4th (for example, the thrust of the upper block) and then the KPSH = 160!!! (4X5X8). Before the course there were the beginning of the course there were 120....and now (at its peak) as many as 160!

If you add one more additional repetition in each approach, then the CPSH becomes 180! And this is almost twice as much as before the course. If you manage to accommodate this volume of load at the same time of training as before the start of the course. This will mean that your intensity has DOUBLED!!! And if you also have increased weights during the course (and they always increase very seriously), then the intensity can increase THREE TIMES!!! Now do you understand what steroids do? They make it possible to train many times more intensively and accelerate muscle growth and strength performance by the same number of times (please note, I did not write strength, although this is also there. I wrote strength performance because it is more important for bodybuilders).

The essence of bodybuilding as a physical activity (and not its consequences - muscles) is POWER WORK CAPACITY, i.e. the ability to perform a large amount of work (do a lot of CPSH with heavy weights and rest between sets). It is this load that grows big muscles. Therefore, it is this load that needs to be increased if you want to see your muscles grow.

But you need to do this very carefully and very correctly. If you do NOT CAREFULLY (quickly) increase the volume of the load, then it may become too large for your recovery capabilities, even on steroids. Then your growth will stop and you will fall into overtraining. That, by the way, is why those who have learned to grow without steroids ALWAYS show good results with them. Their recovery capabilities are better trained and they better feel the "edge" beyond which they should not climb.

That's why, Those high-volume training schemes that are printed in magazines are suitable ONLY for Top professionals who have been training their strength performance for decades. If an amateur starts repeating such a scheme, then he will not succeed. Even if he's on steroids. Smoothly increase the efficiency! To begin with, it's enough to simply add one working approach to each exercise. That's it!

If you increase the load INCORRECTLY (i.e. without taking into account the duration of the workout itself), then your progress will be weak, because the intensity will not increase. The fact is that the load (intensity) depends not only on the KPSH, but also on the training TIME! If you have increased the CPSH exactly TWICE, but at the same time the duration of your workout has also doubled, then this means that the intensity has not changed.

It is very important to take into account the time (duration of training). Always try to slightly reduce the time between sets (ideal = 30-60 seconds), rather than increase it. You are not a powerlifter! You are not training strength power (strength), but strength performance (big muscles)! Therefore, no talking and sitting on the simulators. Only silent work!

The main recommendations for training on the course:
  • More CPSH (increase the volume of work)
  • Less rest (slightly reduce rest between sets)
I will not describe the practical scheme in detail, because it is individual for everyone. If you don't know where to start, then just take my "Base To Failure" scheme and add one working approach to each exercise. So you will get the initial training scheme on steroids.
HOW TO EAT on the course
It is obvious to any reasonable person that it is possible and necessary to CONSUME more food on a course of anabolic steroids, because your metabolism is accelerated. You recover faster between workouts, your muscles grow faster, which means you need extra:

  • KCAL from CARBOHYDRATES as energy (basic metabolism + increased expenditure on training and recovery needs
  • PROTEIN as a building material for new structures (muscles)

Training only triggers the possibility of future growth. AND THE REALIZATION OF MUSCLE GROWTH ITSELF IS 100% DEPENDENT ON THE REGIME!!!! Yes, anabolic steroids accelerate and enhance the process of this realization. BUT without carbohydrates as energy (kcal) and without proteins as a building material, progress will not be possible.

YOU should eat MORE than usual.

I have already described in detail the plan for an effective diet in the "men's scheme". In chemistry, this plan looks something like this:

  • MORNING: 1 cup of water or juice
  • BREAKFAST: Hercules
  • 2nd BREAKFAST: 100 grams of rice + 100 grams of chicken + vegetables
  • LUNCH: 50 grams of rice + 100 grams of chicken + vegetables
  • AFTERNOON SNACK: 50 g of rice + 4 eggs
  • Before USE: protein isolate or eggs
  • After the MEAL: simple coals + amines or eggs
  • DINNER: 100 grams of rice + 200 grams of chicken + 2 eggs + vegetables + Creatine
  • 2nd DINNER: 100 gr. chicken + 3 eggs + vegetables
  • OVERNIGHT: Cottage cheese or protein
In this diet, we eat more protein (increased intake of chicken and eggs) than in the standard scheme without steroids. Basically, this is the starting point. If you use steroids to gain muscle mass, then you can't eat less. More is possible! Do not be afraid to eat protein more than 2 grams per kg of weight. It won't make it any worse. The EXTRA PROTEIN will go down the toilet, if anything. But if you do not receive the REQUIRED AMOUNT of PROTEIN, then growth will slow down.

During the anabolic course, protein requirements increase significantly. There are people who also eat 4 grams of protein. There is a situation here that it is better to get an excess than a disadvantage.

I will note the most important features of your diet and recovery regime on the course of anabolic steroids.

Increasing the caloric content of food (you need excess energy for growth and training)
Increasing the amount of protein to 2.5-3 grams per kg (you need a material for building muscles)
Reducing the amount of fat in the diet (so that growth is due to muscles, not fat)
Fractional nutrition: We eat often, in small portions (to speed up metabolism and growth)

  • We eat more carbohydrates in the morning, less in the evening.
  • We eat more proteins in the evening, less in the morning.
  • After training, we eat simple carbohydrates + fast proteins (sweets + amino acids)

A large meal is only 30-60 minutes after training (so that the blood has already returned to the stomach from the muscles)

How to select products? We need foods that are low in fat and high in either protein or complex carbohydrates. In order to determine more specifically, you can use the BZHU TABLE + Kcal
Anabolic drugs may only be used by a doctor's prescription and are contraindicated in children. The information provided does not call for the use or distribution of potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects.