Best steroid courses
How to choose the best steroid?
Which steroid is right for you?
Which steroids are the most powerful and safe?
Which steroids work well together?
Best steroid courses
  • The drug should be prescribed by a medical specialist
  • All anabolic steroids have androgenic activity, but in different degrees of severity.
  • The more powerful and effective the steroid, the more side effects, so this indicator should be used with caution.
  • As a rule, injectable steroids are safer compared to tablet forms.
  • The higher the dose and amount of steroids, the more side effects and the more pronounced the kickback phenomenon.
  • Do not try to get quick results by resorting to crazy cycles, after a couple of months you will be disappointed in this approach. It is more reasonable to do two “weak” courses with a break than one “powerful” one.
  • There are no new safe steroids. Don't believe the advertising - many old steroids are much better than new ones. The explanation for this is simple - steroid research was much better funded in the 20th century than it is now. Nowadays, the bulk of the funding is not for a more potent and safer anabolic steroid, but for a steroid that is undetectable in tests.
  • It is highly advisable to use aromatase inhibitors and anti-estrogens in strictly defined cases. This will greatly secure the cycle and increase its effectiveness. Remember that gynecomastia does not always develop, but in individual cases it is irreversible, so it should be prevented.
The main conclusion: To achieve good results, use steroids in moderate doses, in the right combinations, without exceeding the optimal cycle duration. Approximately in one cycle you can gain about 5-7 kg of muscle while losing a significant amount of fat. With adequate use, the results will be stable, the phenomenon of setback will be minimal, and side effects in most cases will be absent at all. However, according to the literature, side effects occur in 15-20% of cases, with 3% having irreversible side effects.
What are steroid courses based on?
The following steroid drug courses are compiled based on the experience of major resources (Do4a, Iron World and the forum with world experts, as well as sports medicine and current scientific data. Many “professionals” tend to believe that these courses are “too weak and short” so the results will be poor, but this is easily disproved with a simple example:

  1. Vasily took a steroid course with drug X at a dose of 100 for a month, and then repeated it 3 months later. Total: 1 package for everything, + 5 kg of muscles including rollback, complete absence of side effects.
  2. Peter took a course with drug X in dose 200 for 2 months. Total: 2 packs of the drug, +8 kg of muscles right after the cycle (at first glance the result is better), but half of it will be lost in a month, that is the total result +4 kg of muscles, in addition gynecomastia and hormonal metabolism disorders.

On any forum you will be advised option #2, because people can not assess the long-term consequences and are focused on ephemeral results immediately after the course.

Short courses and muscle memory
Norwegian scientists from the University of Oslo report that even short-term administration of anabolic steroids increases the ability of muscles to grow for a long time. According to experiments, the use of anabolics triggers the so-called cellular memory mechanism. Thus, when physical activity resumes after a long period of rest, muscle strength and volume will recover much faster in those athletes who have used anabolics compared to those who have never used them at all. In addition, those who took them would experience more cell nuclei division. The results of the study are published in The Journal of Physiology.
Who is suitable for these steroid courses?
Men of slim build, over 25 years of age for gaining lean muscle mass, in the absence of contraindications to taking anabolic steroids.

“Caution” If you want to get maximum results, each course should also include:

  • Diet for gaining muscle mass - keep in mind that during the course you need to gain up to 10 kg of mass (of which 2-3 kg will then be lost), so be sure to weigh yourself every three days and monitor the mass gain with the help of the diet. If the mass is not growing fast enough, then you need to increase the calorie intake and vice versa, otherwise you will waste your time. The total amount of protein in the diet should be at least 2g/kg of weight, you can calculate more accurately with a calculator.
  • Sports nutrition for gaining mass
  • Specialized training
Medical technique for performing the injection
According to the instructions, steroids are injected deep into the muscle (injections into the gluteal muscle are safest):

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  2. Preferably heat the ampoule with the drug to 38C-40C degrees on a water bath, in extreme cases in the axilla.
  3. Wipe your hands with alcohol
  4. Wipe the ampoule with alcohol.
  5. Open the ampoule: make a notch on the neck, break off the spout by wrapping it with gauze. If there is a mark in the form of a dot, you do not need to make a notch, just break off the spout.
  6. Use syringes with a 37 mm needle - these are 5 and 10cc syringes.
  7. Dial the syringe, remove any air bubbles. Although when giving intramuscular injections, a couple of small bubbles are not dangerous at all.
  8. Treat the injection site with alcohol or other antiseptic (iodine, green, cologne or, in extreme cases, vodka).
  9. Take a horizontal position to avoid breaking the needle
  10. Insert the needle into the upper, lateral quadrant of the buttock (see figure) at a right angle and full length.
  11. Pull the plunger to make sure no blood is coming into the syringe and you have not entered a blood vessel. Oily medications entering the bloodstream can be deadly.
  12. Slowly inject the medication
  13. Remove the needle and apply a swab soaked in alcohol (or other antiseptic) to the injection site
  14. Gently massage the injection site for about 5 minutes.

Steroid injection site

Anabolic drugs may only be used by a doctor's prescription and are contraindicated in children. The information provided does not call for the use or distribution of potent substances and is aimed solely at reducing the risk of complications and side effects.