The following steroid drug courses are compiled based on the experience of major resources (Do4a, Iron World and the forum with world experts, as well as sports medicine and current scientific data. Many “professionals” tend to believe that these courses are “too weak and short” so the results will be poor, but this is easily disproved with a simple example:
- Vasily took a steroid course with drug X at a dose of 100 for a month, and then repeated it 3 months later. Total: 1 package for everything, + 5 kg of muscles including rollback, complete absence of side effects.
- Peter took a course with drug X in dose 200 for 2 months. Total: 2 packs of the drug, +8 kg of muscles right after the cycle (at first glance the result is better), but half of it will be lost in a month, that is the total result +4 kg of muscles, in addition gynecomastia and hormonal metabolism disorders.
On any forum you will be advised option #2, because people can not assess the long-term consequences and are focused on ephemeral results immediately after the course.